Sunday, April 3, 2011

17 Weeks Pregnant

Best Moment of the week: We had our "re-do" sonogram on Saturday since the DVD didn't work from our last one. It was so reassuring to see him again with that little heart beating away. There was some debate whether or not HE was still a HE because of the way he was positioned, with his legs crossed and his cord between his legs. The lady doing the sonogram was really panicked for a moment thinking she'd gotten it wrong at 15 weeks, but by the end of the sonogram, she was back to being confident it was a boy. We're going to wait until our 20 week sonogram at the doctor's office to make any final decisions! :)

Epiphany of the week: Assuming he is a boy, we finally picked his name! While I won't tell you what it is, I will say that one of the names we really liked belongs to the son of someone I know, and we'd originally ruled it out because we didn't want to be copycats. Since we were having so much trouble picking the name, I decided to talk to her and see what she would think if we chose the same name, and she was totally fine with it, and even volunteered to pass along all of her personalized items with his name on them. However, once she gave us her blessing, we decided that we really did like the other name we were seriously considering...Glenn and I had both started calling him that in our heads, and that was really his name. So while I guess we can still change our minds, and that's always possible, I think we're finally decided, and we've started calling him by name out loud to make sure it fits. :)

Entertaining question/comment of the week: "I'm never wrong, but I'm really not sure right now!" -Sonogram Lady

Obsessions: Feeling those kicks. He's so active, and I usually have a hand somewhere on my belly waiting for a little "hi."

What I am most looking forward to this week: Nothing terribly exciting planned for this week, but I do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

What I miss the most: Nothing, really

Symptoms: My gums have been extra sensitive and bleed easily. This happened with Carter's pregnancy, too. I'm also reeeeeealllly tired lately.

Milestones: Right now, he's about the size of an onion, turnip, or my personal favorite, a baked potato! About 5" long, 5 ounces.

Weight: 129, finally going up, but still not to pre-pregnancy weight. Part of me will be sad to say goodbye to the 120's since it's been so long since I've been there, but I know I need to gain weight for the little man!

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