Saturday, April 16, 2011

19 Weeks Pregnant

Best Moment of the week: Carter's meltdown, funny enough. Usually this would not fall into the "best" category, but it was too cute. My mom found one of his little rattle toys and told him that he would have to give it to his brother because it was a baby toy. He excitedly walked over to me with it and handed it to me with a smile. I put it on my belly and thanked him from the baby. Before I knew it, his bottom lip was sticking out and he burst into tears. I think the realization just hit him that he will have to share his toys with his brother! I tried to give him the toy back, but he didn't want it. When he found it again later, he burst into tears again. So we've put that one away!

Another one is happening right now. Carter is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I type this post (Myna-Mo, as he calls it), and he's sitting next to me with his head leaning against me and his hand on my belly. It's so sweet to watch him as he understands that he's going to be a big brother.

Epiphany of the week: For a brief moment in time, we will have "two under two," as Carter won't turn two until the month after Baby #2 is born. That just sounds crazy to me!

Entertaining question/comment of the week: I don't really have any that come to mind this week, but I will say that the baby has been either kicking or punching me way down low, right at my bikini line. I constantly have my hand sticking down my pants to feel the kicks and I must look like Al Bundy!

Obsessions: Movement. I'm loving his reassuring nudges.

What I am most looking forward to this week: Spending time with friends...we're having playgroup at our house on Tuesday and going to an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday.

What I miss the most: Nothing, really

Symptoms: Exhaustion.

Milestones: Baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato. The hair on his scalp is sprouting, and his senses are developing. Which means that he will soon recognize his big brother's voice!

Weight: I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Anything moving forward officially counts!

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