Saturday, April 30, 2011

21 Weeks Pregnant

Best Moment of the week: We had a busy social week, going on three playdates, which is way above our norm. Especially enjoyed our Royal Wedding playdate yesterday and watching the fairy-tale-come-true of Price William and Princess Kate with Carter and our friends before my little prince can roll his eyes at me and tell me love is yucky. :)

Epiphany of the week: Things that are currently easy are no longer going to be easy when there are two little people to juggle. We picked up lunch from Moe's one day...which is challenging enough holding one squirming person so he doesn't tear the whole restaurant apart...what will I do with one squirming person and one tiny person??

Entertaining question/comment/story of the week: Glenn slipped and told our friend (and his co-worker) Erin the baby's name! We're so used to referring to him by his name these days that it's getting harder and harder to keep it a secret.

I think I will also add "story" to this category since I rarely remember the funny things people say. :)

Our cat Bailey's main goal in life is to go outside and this week he finally succeeded! Around 5pm on Thursday, I heard some meowing and thought I must have shut one of the kitties in a closet or the laundry room, so Carter and I went upstairs to look and couldn't find anything amiss. When we came back downstairs, I realized it was coming from the front door. I opened it and Bailey came running back in! He must have managed to sneak out when my mom left at 2:45. We always wondered after countless unsuccessful escape attempts (that involved us chasing him down and bringing him back) if he would come home by himself, and now we know that he will. :)

Obsessions: The 20 (well, 21) week sonogram on Monday, and making sure that our boy is really a boy

What I am most looking forward to this week: See above. What am I not looking forward to? My mom leaving on her 3 WEEK-LONG cruise. I hope she has a wonderful time (because she totally deserves it!) but we will miss having her here at our house twice a week, and I don't think I'm going to get much work done. :P

What I miss the most: Nothing, really.

Symptoms: Exhaustion. Getting a cold again, yuck-o! Dry, itchy skin on my face, but as my skin has dried out, so has my hair, which is looking fabulous these days and doesn't get greasy if I don't get to wash it every day. Also, baby is beating up on my bladder a lot, so I've increased my trips to the bathroom!

Milestones: Baby is 10.5" and three-quarters of a pound, about the size of a banana.

Weight: 135

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Best Moment of the week: Seeing real, visible kicks and feeling him flop around in there.

Also, taking Carter to his first Easter egg hunt. He did such a great job! I didn't think he would really understand the concept yet, but he ran around like a champ and picked up a ton of eggs! And this morning, he said "love you" for the first time, then pat me on the back and gave me a hug!

Epiphany of the week: None really for me, but Carter has finally started to understand color since he got all of those Easter eggs!

Entertaining question/comment of the week: The girls from my mom's group all agreed that I finally have a baby bump, and Glenn told me I actually look pregnant now!

Obsessions: Seeing those kicks

What I am most looking forward to this week: Nothing much planned.

What I miss the most: Nothing, really.

Symptoms: Exhaustion.

Milestones: Finally reached the halfway point. Baby is about 10" head to toe (we measure differently starting this week) and weighs about 1o oz, and the size of a banana or cantaloupe.

Weight: 133...nothing gained this week.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear Carter at 18 Months

Dear Carter,

I've started a letter to you in my head about a million times, but somehow I never find the time to sit down and write it. I'm constantly making mental notes to myself to remember this, or write that down, so that I can remember all of the wonderful, endearing qualities about you at this age (and really, every age), but since my memory isn't what it used to be and I know it's not getting any better, I'm finally forcing myself to sit down and write you this letter as your turn a year and a half old, despite the fact that as you well know, your mom is a big sap, and I'm already teary as I write.

Let me start by saying that I really wasn't prepared for just how much I would love you. Before you were born, I spent a lot of time imagining what life would be like as a mommy, but nothing could really prepare me for you. Being your mother is my greatest accomplishment, or should I say that YOU are my greatest accomplishment. More often than not, I'm just amazed by you...watching you grow and learn before my eyes, the clever connections you make, your sweet, generous nature, and your ability to love. I know that someday you will just roll your eyes at me, but I love how much you love your family at this age, especially Mama, Dada and Grancy (CiCi). Your eyes light up whenever you see one of your favorite people, and you give us hugs and kisses freely.

In addition to loving your people, you also completely adore our four cats. Your favorite is Sophie, who you call Phie-Phie, our long-haired black cat. I think she grudgingly loves you, too, and especially loves that having you around means she gets to eat your leftovers. You call her name whenever you see her, and often go right up to her, push her down on the ground, and hug her, which she tolerates surprisingly well! You also love Bailey (Bay-ee), Kenny (Ken-eh) and Zoey (who doesn't really have an official name from you yet). Bailey doesn't have the good sense to run away from you, so he often scratches you when you over-enthusiastically give him love. Zoey is patient with you but keeps her distance, and Kenny is scared to death and has the good sense to steer clear of you whenever he can!

I've never laughed as much as I've laughed since you were born...your joy is truly infectious, and you love to be the comedian, whether it's intentional or not. My favorite moments are spent with you and your Daddy, and I love watching the joy you obviously both feel when you're together. I love how silly he can be just to make you smile, and I love to hear your sweet giggle when he makes you laugh.

It is so fun to watch you becoming an adventurous eater even at this young age. I was always picky, so it makes me happy to see you try and like so many new things, and I hope you stay that way! So far the only things you've rejected have been tacos and brownies, and you later took the brownies when offered them again, so I think it may have just burned your tongue since Mommy was eating one fresh from the oven...sorry about that! Some of your favorites, in no particular order, are avocado (cado), apples (a-a's), cheese, broccoli, black olives, pasta, and the rolls from Texas Roadhouse. You love when we go to salad bars, and you will always sample all kinds of different vegetables when we're there. You love your fruits and veggies more than meat, which is so rare for a little guy like you! I'm so proud of your adventurous palate.

You love, love, love to go outside now! It's really hot out already (in April!) so something tells me we won't be going out too much over the next few months, but you really enjoyed springtime. You're so curious about the world around you, and you love to point to things and either tell me what it is or ask "what's that?" and have me tell you. You love to look at the birds (peep peeps), trees, flowers, pond, dogs (woof woof), cows (either cow, or moooooo), sunshine, moon, cars, trucks and more. You love going to the playground, too, and can finally maneuver yourself around the play structures without too much help from me. You love to go down slides, though you do insist on lying down instead of sitting up. You love to steer the steering wheel and turn the big tic tac toe boards. And you love to ride on the animals...the purple dinosaur, horsies and anything else you can get your hands on. You love to run around, too. And while you used to need me to watch your every move, now you run off by yourself with barely a backward glance at me. I love to watch your growing independence as you find your own way in the world.

You've already learned to say so many words, and you learn more every day. You've recently become a little parrot, and you will repeat words back to us. I can almost see the light bulb go off over your head as you make the connection...oh THAT'S what that is! The best time to teach you new words is after you've just eaten, during which time we call you "fat and happy." I love that you're finally learning to communicate with us, and it's such a joy to watch you learn! You learn so much from looking at books with us...your Little People lift-the-flap books were the ones we started with (and you're a pro at remembering where things are!), and now you love your look and find books: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Myna Mo) and Elmo (MoMo). You love other books, too, but those are your favorites. I also love reading you Knuffle Bunny, and you always laugh when Trixie says, "Aggle Flaggle Klabble!" We have your books on a bookshelf in the living room, and you often bring books out for us to read together. You also love reading at naptime and bedtime now, and this seems to be the magic way to calm you down before sleep. You love reading Ferdinand, which was one of my favorite books when I was a little girl, and I love that we share that! And then we read one of two sleepy time books, Snuggle Up Sleepy Ones or Time for Bed, and we always end with Goodnight Moon. You always say "moon" when I bring it out, and lately you've been obsessed with pointing out the fireplace on each page it's on.

Which leads me to sleep. I know that some day this will absolutely mortify you, but you're currently sleeping in bed with Mommy and Daddy. I will remind you that this was TOTALLY your idea...we tried, and tried, and tried some more to get you to sleep in your crib, but you always hated it, and we really hated hearing you cry. So we finally gave in, and you just snuggle with Mommy at nighttime. Because you sleep with us, you also have pretty weird hours for such a little don't go to bed until 9:30 at the earliest (usually closer to 10) and you sleep until 8 or 8:30 in the morning, which I really appreciate! You've just gotten to the point that you refuse to sleep in your cute "footie pajamas" anymore and hate having anything on your feet at night, even covers, which you kick off. You were a really horrible sleeper for the first year of your life, mostly because I kept "fighting" you, trying to make you sleep in your crib, but now that you sleep with us, you sleep very well at night, usually sleeping from the time you close your eyes until morning. Mommy was very, very tired after months of not sleeping through the night, and it's so nice to finally have a good sleeper! We're really not sure what's going to happen when your brother gets here, but I guess we'll just figure it out later. You've also finally started napping very well. It's still hard to get you to settle down long enough to realize you're sleepy, but once you do, you usually sleep for an hour and a half to two hours, which is helpful for Mommy when I have work to do.

We've been working on your colors for a while now, and you're finally starting to "get" them...sometimes at least. You usually get yellow (ye-wow) right...sometimes green (gween), blue (boo) and pink...and occasionally red. The others are unlikely, but I know we will get there eventually! After your first Easter egg hunt, you had a lot of brightly colored plastic eggs to play with, and I think this is when you really started understanding color.

As I write this letter, I'm just about halfway through my pregnancy with your brother. While I'm nervous as to how you are going to handle having to share your favorite people (and your toys), I'm so happy to see how you've already started taking steps toward being a great big brother. You immediately learned his name, which surprised us, and whenever we ask you what your brother's name is, you repeat it back to us with a little smile. (And you even told Grancy the name, but thank you for not telling anyone else...yet.) You recognize that he is in mommy's tummy, and you will even give him a kiss there sometimes. And you point him out proudly in his ultrasound picture on the refrigerator whenever we walk past it, plus you've started pointing to pictures of other babies and saying his name. I hope that the two of you will be the best of friends...having grown up an only child, it's a foreign concept to me to have a brother or sister, but your Daddy and I wanted the two of you to be close enough in age that you could be good buddies. ( I just hope the two of you take it easy on your old Mom!) When he gets here, I hope you realize how much I love you...even if your brother has to be the center of attention for a while, you are and always will be my first baby, and I promise I won't love you any less, even if my attention is divided.

I'm sure there's much more I could add here, but I will just finish by saying how very, very much I love you, my sweet Munchkin. I'm so proud of the wonderful little boy you are becoming, and I'm so happy that you made me a Mommy.

Lots of love,

19 Weeks Pregnant

Best Moment of the week: Carter's meltdown, funny enough. Usually this would not fall into the "best" category, but it was too cute. My mom found one of his little rattle toys and told him that he would have to give it to his brother because it was a baby toy. He excitedly walked over to me with it and handed it to me with a smile. I put it on my belly and thanked him from the baby. Before I knew it, his bottom lip was sticking out and he burst into tears. I think the realization just hit him that he will have to share his toys with his brother! I tried to give him the toy back, but he didn't want it. When he found it again later, he burst into tears again. So we've put that one away!

Another one is happening right now. Carter is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I type this post (Myna-Mo, as he calls it), and he's sitting next to me with his head leaning against me and his hand on my belly. It's so sweet to watch him as he understands that he's going to be a big brother.

Epiphany of the week: For a brief moment in time, we will have "two under two," as Carter won't turn two until the month after Baby #2 is born. That just sounds crazy to me!

Entertaining question/comment of the week: I don't really have any that come to mind this week, but I will say that the baby has been either kicking or punching me way down low, right at my bikini line. I constantly have my hand sticking down my pants to feel the kicks and I must look like Al Bundy!

Obsessions: Movement. I'm loving his reassuring nudges.

What I am most looking forward to this week: Spending time with friends...we're having playgroup at our house on Tuesday and going to an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday.

What I miss the most: Nothing, really

Symptoms: Exhaustion.

Milestones: Baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato. The hair on his scalp is sprouting, and his senses are developing. Which means that he will soon recognize his big brother's voice!

Weight: I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Anything moving forward officially counts!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby Names

I wrote a post on my moms' group message board today about baby names and I wanted to capture this information somewhere for posterity's sake since this is my baby journal this time around.

This is how we chose Carter's name...

We knew if we had a boy that his middle name would be Glenn after my husband since in his family, the father's name is always the first son's middle name. (If it had been a girl, her middle name would have been Jean after my family. It's my middle name and also my cousin's, my mom's and my grandmother's...who we later found out made it up in high school because coming from a big family, she hadn't been given one and wanted one! Which is TOTALLY my grandmother's personality.)

We wanted his first name to be something relatively modern and not too traditional that we chose because we liked it, not because we were obligated to use it. It had to be: easy to spell and pronounce; familiar (top 100ish) but not too common (top 10); sound good with Glenn and McKay (which ruled out most one-syllable names); sound equally appropriate on a business card and as a rock star name (I got that one from Kori); preferably not a predominantly female unisex name; and I know we must have had a few others, but can't remember them at the moment!

We wanted to keep it a secret because I didn't want to hear or see any "oh, THAT's the name" reactions or hear how it was the worst name ever/the name of someone's pet/arch-enemy/etc. We weren't planning to reveal it until after he was born, but when I auditioned for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire in June (at 5 months preggo), I told them that if I made it on the show, I would reveal his name on-air. Which totally happened, believe it or not, for those of you who weren't around back then. So we ended up revealing his name to Meredith Vieira and the live studio audience (and weeks later, the rest of the world) on national television. So if anyone hated it, I didn't have to see/hear their reactions and they had some time to compose themselves and tell me how fabulous it was the next time we talked! :)

For Baby #2, we kept the same set of rules (which really irked Glenn since he tends to like popular names this go-round...I love Ethan, but as a Jennifer, I had to eliminate that one!) and I added a few more rules. No presidential names because while Carter was not an intentional canonization of Mr. Jimmy, having a Jackson, Grant or Clinton might seem intentional. And we also tried to stay away from -er names, since having a Carter and Cooper would make it sound like we were terribly productive in our house, busily making carts and barrels all day long. :)

I had my favorite that Glenn nixed, he had his favorite that I nixed, and we finally arrived at Baby #2's name last weekend. Which yes, we are tentatively keeping under wraps for all of the above reasons. But since we've already told Carter the parrot and he learned it instantly, we don't have high hopes that it will stay a secret for long. He told my mom today, and thankfully she liked it!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

18 Weeks Pregnant

Best Moment of the week: Spending time with my hubby and sweet Munchkin and hearing Carter learn his brother's name.

Epiphany of the week: If we wanted to keep the baby's name a secret, we probably shouldn't have told our little parrot!

Entertaining question/comment of the week: "Let's tell Carter the baby's name is Bob." --Glenn, after above epiphany

Obsessions: Going in for my next doctor's's the "big one" sonogram appointment where they check everything out. And we will hopefully have a final answer on the gender debate. May 2nd can't come soon enough!

What I am most looking forward to this week: Spending time with friends. Glenn being home finishing up his thesis.

What I miss the most: Nothing, really

Symptoms: I get really congested at random times and my ears clog up...very annoying! Exhaustion.

Milestones: We've made it to sweet potato week, which was the week Carter earned his nickname of "Tater Tot." :)

Weight: I hit 130 this morning.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

17 Weeks Pregnant

Best Moment of the week: We had our "re-do" sonogram on Saturday since the DVD didn't work from our last one. It was so reassuring to see him again with that little heart beating away. There was some debate whether or not HE was still a HE because of the way he was positioned, with his legs crossed and his cord between his legs. The lady doing the sonogram was really panicked for a moment thinking she'd gotten it wrong at 15 weeks, but by the end of the sonogram, she was back to being confident it was a boy. We're going to wait until our 20 week sonogram at the doctor's office to make any final decisions! :)

Epiphany of the week: Assuming he is a boy, we finally picked his name! While I won't tell you what it is, I will say that one of the names we really liked belongs to the son of someone I know, and we'd originally ruled it out because we didn't want to be copycats. Since we were having so much trouble picking the name, I decided to talk to her and see what she would think if we chose the same name, and she was totally fine with it, and even volunteered to pass along all of her personalized items with his name on them. However, once she gave us her blessing, we decided that we really did like the other name we were seriously considering...Glenn and I had both started calling him that in our heads, and that was really his name. So while I guess we can still change our minds, and that's always possible, I think we're finally decided, and we've started calling him by name out loud to make sure it fits. :)

Entertaining question/comment of the week: "I'm never wrong, but I'm really not sure right now!" -Sonogram Lady

Obsessions: Feeling those kicks. He's so active, and I usually have a hand somewhere on my belly waiting for a little "hi."

What I am most looking forward to this week: Nothing terribly exciting planned for this week, but I do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

What I miss the most: Nothing, really

Symptoms: My gums have been extra sensitive and bleed easily. This happened with Carter's pregnancy, too. I'm also reeeeeealllly tired lately.

Milestones: Right now, he's about the size of an onion, turnip, or my personal favorite, a baked potato! About 5" long, 5 ounces.

Weight: 129, finally going up, but still not to pre-pregnancy weight. Part of me will be sad to say goodbye to the 120's since it's been so long since I've been there, but I know I need to gain weight for the little man!