Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 14 Update

I just got home from my monthly doctor's visit, and I was thrilled to hear the heartbeat on the doppler this time...strong and clear, hello baby!! At this visit with Carter's pregnancy, they weren't able to hear it on the doppler yet, but I'd just come from an ultrasound, so it wasn't a huge deal. While I wasn't expecting to hear it this time, I was so glad to have that reassurance that yes, someone is in there growing away! The heartbeat was 148 bpm for those of you who want to have a theory on what I'm having. (P.S. At this point, it's really too early to use heartbeat as any sort of was totally wrong with Carter!)

I've decided to steal this fun weekly survey from my fellow preggo friend, Erin (hi, Erin!) to keep tabs on the pregnancy:

Best Moment of the week: Hearing that fantastic little heartbeat. I really did say, "Hello, baby!" when I heard it. :)

Epiphany of the week: Just because I'm in the second trimester doesn't mean I'm going to feel great yet.

Entertaining question/comment of the week: "So, you're doing this again, huh?" --Dr. Marston, who delivered Carter.

Obsessions: Feeling better!

What I am most looking forward to this week: Feeling better! Yes, obsessed.

What I miss the most: My appetite.

Symptoms: Some nausea (but thankfully not as much), killer headaches, congestion, clogged ears

Milestones: Baby has fingerprints and is 3 inches long, the size of a medium shrimp or a peach, depending on who you ask. And I'm officially in my second trimester, woo hoo!


  1. Aw I love that moment when you can hear the heartbeat. Miss you and Carter lots - looking forward to meeting the new little! Hugs to you - hoping this finds you feeling better ASAP!

  2. Yay for the second trimester! I can't wait to find out if you are team pink or team blue.

  3. I love what your doctor said to you. Haha. Mine, at my first visit with this one, said "So you're back again, huh?" Sounds like they might be related....
