We went to Look Who's Kickin' this afternoon for our gender reveal sonogram! And guess what? It's TEAM BLUE all the way in the McKay household...we're having ANOTHER BOY! While the part of me who loves tea parties, princesses and ballet is a teensy bit sad, I'm excited for Carter to have a little brother who will be so close to his age. We have a huge box of clothes he'll be able to wear again, which makes me feel way less wasteful. And the boys will be sharing a room, whether it's in this house or the house we hope to move to this year, so all of those questions of how the heck to integrate boys' and girls' things into one nursery have been eliminated. We're good to go with our orange and blue room as-is!
Here are the sonogram pictures from our session today. We got a video as well, but I have to figure out how to get it off the CD first (it doesn't play on my Mac, so I have to get Glenn to do it!).
The first thing she checked was the gender. And sure enough, I knew it before she even told me since I'd seen that same shot before!
He was "standing" on his head the whole time with his feet up, so here you can see his profile down low on the left side looking up with his spine heading upward.
Here you can see his beautiful heartbeat.
And here's his little face in 3D. They still kind of look like aliens at this point, but hopefully he will look a bit more human by the time I get my 20 weeks sonogram! :) You can also see his arms.
He has become SO active over the past week and a half! With Carter, I had an anterior placenta, so I couldn't feel any movements until about 18 weeks, but this baby made himself known at 13.5 weeks! I've been feeling him more and more over the past few days, and he was SO active during the sonogram since she was pressing down on my belly with the wand. He was punching up a storm, and it was neat to be able to see him do it and feel it in my belly at the same time! It really is amazing being pregnant...especially now that the morning sickness has subsided! :)
Let's wrap up this post with an update:
Best Moment of the week: Finally finding out who's in there!
Epiphany of the week: I really thought that because I felt so sick with this pregnancy that it was a girl, because I didn't feel nearly this bad with Carter. Not the case! So even with two boys, the pregnancies have been different.
Entertaining question/comment of the week: "Are you finding out if there's a stem on the apple?" --Random woman in the waiting room at the sonogram place
Obsessions: Finding out the sex
What I am most looking forward to this week: Feeling better....from my cold. See ya later, morning sickness!
What I miss the most: Nothing, really
Symptoms: Still having headaches, starting to have some growing pains
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